A downloadable game for Windows

Después de una súbita enfermedad que la atacó y de la que en principio parecía que no tendría problemas en recuperarse (síndrome vestibular), mi perra Lasca, una mestiza de pastor alemán con cocker, nos dejó el pasado viernes 2 de noviembre. Su estado había empeorado demasiado: en estado de shock, con un soplo en el corazón y casi sin ser consciente de nada, los neurólogos del hospital nos dijeron que podía ser un tumor lo que le hubiera provocado el síndrome vestibular, lo cual no tenía salida; o que el síndrome vestibular le hubiera provocado un ictus, del cual se podría recuperar, pero para lo que primero tendría que recuperar un estado de salud idóneo para realizarle unas pruebas de las que a lo mejor no superaba la sedación. 


Tuve que tomar una decisión dura. Una de las más duras de mi vida.

Este álbum audiovisual, con una interactividad tan solo de decoración, es un homenaje que sentía que debía hacerle.

Esta es, en definitiva y muy resumidamente, la historia de Lasca.


After a sudden illness that attacked her and from which at first it seemed that she would have no problem to recovering (vestibular syndrome), my girl dog, Lasca, a mixed of German Shepherd with a Cocker Spaniel races, left us last Friday, November 2nd. His condition had gotten too bad: in a state of shock, with a heart murmur and almost without being conscious, the neurologists at the hospital told us that it could be a tumor that had caused his vestibular syndrome, which had no way out; or that the vestibular syndrome had caused a stroke, from which he could recover, but for which he would first have to recover an ideal state of health to carry out some tests who required strong sedation that perhaps she won’t be able to overcome.

I had to take a tough decision. One of the hardest of my life.

This audiovisual album, with just decoration interactivity, is a tribute that I felt I had pay to her.

This is, definitively and very briefly, the history of Lasca.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
AuthorDaniel Garcia Raso
Tagsalbum, Animals, audiovisualalbum, digitalalbum


Brevísima historia de Lasca.rar 111 MB

Install instructions

Descargar el archivo, descomprimirlo y, dentro de la carpeta que aparecerá, hacer doble clic en el icono de la foto de Lasca con gafas de sol (en el que pone «Brevísima historia de Lasca»). Solo necesitas un ratón y la tecla de espacio para «jugar».

Solo disponible para Windows.


Download the file, unzip and, inside the folder that will appear, double-click on the icon of the photo of Lasca with sunglasses (titled "Brevísima historia de Lasca"). You only need a mouse and the space key to to "play".

Only available for Windows.

Development log


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Incredibly moving, very emotional. Much love and respect. If the world was filled with people like you it would be a wonderful place <3


Oh, thank you so much.  It's going to be a year without Lasca. A very tough year. :( But I would like to tell her story for all the sweet moments she gave me.

The same with my previous two doggies I took a year or so and then got two more. It does make me feel much better but I will never forget my prvious dogs and I know they would be proud of me for adopting more of their friends. I hope you best <3